About Us

Our mission is to share the wisdom of the nature spirits for collective healing

Lovingly Locally Harvested Herbs | Small Batch | Powerful Energetic Medicines

Ancient Forces

In ancient Kemet, the divine NeTeRu are the transformative energies of Nature—the perpetual dance of life, death, and rebirth. This energy, forever conserved and ever-changing, serves as the cornerstone of our work. At Ministry of Neteru, we maintain a profound harmony with nature spirits to share their wisdom and medicine with the world.

Powerful Healing

Here we harness the wisdom of nature spirits and the healing power of herbs to reawaken each of our inner strength. Our goal is to build a vibrant community while imparting the mystical properties of plants and the significance of living in harmony with our Mother Earth. We aim to reawaken your childlike wonder, creativity, and your sense of personal power. Through intentionally cultivated or wildcrafted herbs, small-batch energetic medicines, and educational resources, we reconnect you with the Earth's wisdom and your innate healing abilities.

Ministry of Neteru Apothecary is your gateway to the wisdom of the Earth and the transformational magic of herbs and the nature spirits.

Our Founder and Medicine Maker

Empress Zella Taj Kan-Aset Xi is a multifaceted visionary, a Medicine Woman and High Priestess. She's a distinguished healer, Spiritual Herbalist, Interfaith Minister, and Ecologist with a deep devotion to the sacred bond between humans and the natural world. With advanced degrees in Environmental Science and Ecology, Empress Zella masterfully blends the Western science lens with Indigenous ancestral teachings. Her credentials as a Vitalist Herbalist Practitioner and Energy Healer, alongside her initiation in and devotion to the shamanic path of ancient alchemy, allow her to offer a truly holistic approach to healing.
Empress Zella serves as a bridge between worlds, with an mission of aiding those of us who are ready reconnect with the sound of our own spirit and the spirits surrounding us—the rocks, waters, winds, insects, plants, mountains, and animals. Here we believe our journey is to heal our body, mind, and spirit, to become better listeners, and to honor our sacred duty as Earth's stewards. This is the essence of Ministry of Neteru. She offers Spiritual Mentorship & Pastoral Guidance at the Ministry of Neteru Temple.
Visit Mon Temple

Our Dried Herbs

All of our herbs are organic, mindfully and respectfully wildcrafted or from small-scale growers, who work in right relationship with the land and grow and harvest with mindful intention and permission from the plants--happy plants make more powerful/stronger medicine.

Our herb supply depends on the season, given that we work with the flow and seasonality of the land and are not mass-producers. We partner with aligned businesses and individuals and have special bulk herb pricing. Please reach out for our full list of our available herbs and to reserve or request herbs to be grown in the next season. 
Inquire about herbs

We work in partnership with the nature spirits and all plants are grown or wildcrafted locally in deep respect of the land and all of her creatures. We harvest only the happiest plants with permission. Happy and well cared for plants make the most powerful medicines.


All medicines are small-batch or made to order so that we can work with the energetics of each plant ally, at their pace, and devote ourselves fully to them with loving intention.


As an energy worker and communer with these spirits, Empress Zella Taj works to infuse each medicine with loving energy and imprints specific intentions. Where, when, and how these medicines are made is always dictated by the plants.